The "Oilonshow" Club Opened the 8th Season
The Oilon Show Intellectual Club under the Student Council held the first game of the 8th season.
In total, 12 teams took part in the competition, and played during two rounds. During the 1st round the team captains competed, and during the 2nd round entire teams participated in the game.
The players answered some questions on the theme “Made in Kg”, regarding the activity of domestic manufacturers, the history of domestic industry, and the products. Two teams with equal scores were given additional questions, which helped determine the winner. At the end the 3rd place was taken by Asaba, the 2nd by Intellect team. As for the 1st place, it was taken by Olympus team that made it to the finals. The winners received books published by the sponsor of the game, the Yiman Spiritual Culture Development Fund, and gifts from clothing brands, Salkyn and Sarkech.
Moreover, the game spectators were asked questions, and those who answered them correctly received gifts.
It should be reminded that the game takes place every other week, focusing on different themes each week. According to the rules of the game, there must be 4 students on each team.
It should be noted that the Oilon Show Intellectual Club was formed in 2014. Today it is headed by a 2nd year student at the Department of Radio and Television, Tynystan Temirzhanuulu.
Prepared by: Adinai Kurmanova
Translated by: Bermet Kodjosheva