The Team “Engineers” Named the Winner of the 9th Season

On May 3 the Oilonshow Intellectual Club held the final round of the 9th season. The game was on the theme “Music”.  In total, 6 teams took part in it.

The game was divided into two rounds. During the 1st round the team captains competed, and during the 2nd round entire teams participated in the game. The participants were answering questions on the topics ranging from the history of the Kyrgyz music to pieces from around the globe.

At the end 3rd place was taken by the team “Asiptot”, whereas 2nd place was won by the team “Smarts”. The team “Engineers” was named the Champion of the 9th season. The winners were presented with theatre tickets from the employment company Avemlis, books and certificates from the bookstore Chance.

Prepared by Aksaamai Nazarbai kyzy

Translated by Bermet Kozhoshova