‘Enactus Manas’ invites active students
On the 4th of October ‘Enactus Manas’ introduced themselves and organized event, in which took part the Student Affairs Director Kyial Turdakunova, the Executive Director of ‘Enactus Kyrgyzstan’ Gulbarchyn Suiunova, the member of the board of Directors Aibek Jangaziev, and the students.
The event was opened with the short movie about the ‘Enactus’, and with the introductory speech of the Student Affairs Director Kyial Turdakunova. She encouraged all the students to be the best, and added that she will always support the active students. She stated, that the students must not limit themselves on their interests, but visa-versa they must make contributions to the development of the university and society.
And also, Gulbarchyn Suiunova called the students to their ranks and stressed on lots of opportunities of getting trained in their program ‘Enactus’.
The sponsor of the team ‘Enactus Manas’ Aibek Jangaziev shared with us the secrets of starting business, and said “ The person must make efforts in order to be always the first, and must do his job for more than 100% in order to achieve his goals. Everybody knows, that the Everest is the first highest peak and the fastest human in the world is Usain Bolt. But, nobody knows which is the second highest and who is the second fastest. So that’s why, you should be always First”.
We should note that ‘Enactus’ is the global organization , which unites the young leaders and business leaders. Nowadays, this program contains 36 countries, 1700 universities, and 66500 students. And this organization runs since 1995 in Kyrgyzstan.
Today, there are about 10 students in the team ‘Enactus Manas’, and it is going to select 10 more students in order to make the best projects.