Women at science and technics

On March 29, 2019 the seminar was held in our university by the “Rosa Otunbaeva’s initiative” International Fund.  The seminar was organised for students of the Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Engineering by the coordinator of the project “Women at science and technics” Anipa Usupkozhoeva and doctor of the technical sciences Anara Sadieva.

On the seminar, Anipa Usupkozhoeva shared with her life experience and told: “By raising one woman, you are raising nation. Therefore, we have to encourage our students to the science and knowledge, since the bringing up is more from mother’s side, educated girls are very important for Future generations”. She advised to get various knowledge and added that nowadays technologies have reached extraordinary level, and education in the IT sphere became one of the main requirements of the present time.

Anara Sadieva shared with her opinion: “It is never late to get education, do not waste your time and devote yourself to the study. Right now, I still study languages, getting education in your age is so much easier.

At the end of the seminar, students received answers on their questions and a photo to the memory was taken.

Prepared by Melis kyzy Louise

Translated by Timur Bapiev