On February 06, 2021, a quiz show named "Crugozor" was organized by the Oylonshou Club affiliated to the Student Council Presidency.

The quiz was held online via Google Meet and WhatsApp applications. Presidents, group leaders and members of Oylonshou Club participated and competed in the Crugozor Quiz. The competition consisted of three rounds in total. Unlike the normal questions, the participants were asked questions in the form of facial expressions and gestures.

As a result of the competition, Team of Legionnaires (Легионеры) came first, team 2 & 1 second, and Orchid Team third. Finally, Rysbek Kubanichbekov, the President of the 2020-2021 Oylonshou Club, congratulated the teams that received the degrees and announced their gifts after wishing them success.

Prepared by: Muhammed Ramazan Kurtoglu

Translated by: Aida Imomalieva