The winners of “Mind Battle”

On the 1st of December the game “Mind Battle” organized by the students of preparatory classes held their final game. The game was organized with the initiative of the Professional High School student Ulanbek Tashiev.

The final game was held with the participation of 4 strongest teams, who won the qualifying round and the semi-final. Mainly, the participants answered to the logical questions.

In the end, the winners of the 1st place “Jiger” got tour trips to Ata-Beyit, the 2nd place winners “Jetigen” and the 3rd place winners “Kuch Birdikte” got free tickets to the cinema Jal. Besides, the winners were awarded with honor certificates and books, and got the opportunity to participate in the intellectual game “Oilon Show”

In addition, before, the game was consisted of two rounds, in which competed 40 teams.


Prepared by: Adinay Kurmanova

Translated by: Aikel Tashtanbaeva