“A Bow to Mother” Screened

On October 9 a short film, “A Bow to Mother”, which is of great educational value, was presented by the Student Council’s Personal Growth Club and Yiman Spiritual Culture Development Fund. The film was displayed in the amphitheater of the Vocational High School. The event was attended by 300 students.

A mother’s care and love for her child, difficulties she has are represented in the film, “A Bow to Mother”. At the same time it urged the viewers to treasure and respect their mothers. Beside “A Bow to Mother”, the following short films made by the Yiman Spiritual Culture Development Fund were displayed to the viewers: “Enege Zyiarat”, “Arrogance”, and “Doctor”.

After the film screening the students shared their views, and received answers to their questions. Moreover, gifts were given to the winners of the game of questions and answers, prepared by the organizers.

It should be noted that the presentation of these films was organized as a part of the Year of Conscience, Manners and Culture.

Prepared by: Adinai Kurmanova

Translated by: Bermet Kodjosheva