Students of Manas Received the Presidential Scholarship

On October 18 of this year 4th year students of the Department of Public Affairs and Advertising of KTMU, Guljamal Urmanbetova and Aisuluu Orozbekova, were awarded scholarships of the head of the state.

The ceremony took place at Ala-Archa State Residency. The overall number of students who received the Presidential Scholarship was 70. The scholarship holders were awarded Certificates of Honor and monetary prizes. 3-4th year students from around 30 educational institutions applied for the scholarship of the head of the state.
Scholarship holder Guljamal Urmanbetova said: “I had not expected to get the Presidential Scholarship. I was very happy”. As for Aisuluu Orozbekova, she started to believe that she became a scholarship holder only the moment she took it in her hands.

It should be noted that Guljamal Urmanbetova has traveled to Turkey’s Selcuk University for studies through the Mevlana Exchange Program. As for Aisuluu Orozbekova, she is a graduate of the 7th group of the Young Leaders Public School of Kyrgyzstan under the Progressive Initiatives Fund. In addition, both students completed a one-month internship for TRT Channel.
We note that in 2016 a 4th year student of the Department of Journalism, Aizirek Urmatbekova, received the Presidential Scholarship.

Prepared by Adinai Kurmanova