Students Clubs Fair

This year, on September 30, within the framework of our university’s orientation programs there was held introductory program called ‘We are Manasians’ special for the prep-classes. The program included the fair of our university’s student clubs. The leaders of the clubs introduced their descent and hard work, which they’ve done till this day, and shared their future plan with us.

“Everybody is eager to help. And, when we are asking for help, all the people are trying to help as much as they can. Now, we are working on 4 big projects, which are called ‘Share your knowledge’, ‘Socialize the disabled children’, ‘Aid to the nursing home’, ‘Assistance to patients with cancer’,” says the head of the charity club ‘Ak Niet’, Mairambek Uulu Tynchtyk.

The above mentioned club conducts its charity work for 3 years in our institution. The club has 20 permanent member, besides, there are more than 50 volunteer students, who help with charity works.

The English TV-Show ‘Spelling Bee’ was opened by the International Student Coordination in order to increase the English language abilities of our students, and to support them in speaking English correctly and learning it easily. Aikel Tashtanbaeva says, “If we expand the project within our university, then, in the near future, we are going to develop the scope of our program, and can compete with other universities”.

And also, newly opened clubs shared their plans with us. One of them is a “Music” club, which is considered to be the very first music club in Manas. The leader of the club Kuzei Jalchyn states that the club is started working with 10 member , and they are going to expand the team adding new members in their ranks. According to Kuzei Jalchyn, the aim of the club is to organize the best music parties, and to create the genres of music, which were not performed before with the Kyrgyz and Turkish national instruments. 

‘Manas Bisiklet Kulubu’ was opened this year, in April , and attracted many people. From the very opening the club provides students with bikes with cheap rent, and gives them opportunity to spend their free time usefully and pleasantly. The head of the club Batukhan Atesh informs that this year the club is going to organize bike-tours not only to Ala-Archa, but also to neighboring countries.

The students were registered on all of their interested clubs, and witnessed a small concert program.