On April 24, 2019, Career Day was held at School of Vocational Education. The event was attended by the university’s president, administrative and teaching staff, representatives of 15 companies and enterprises, graduates and students.

At the opening of the event, introductory videos of our university and school of vocational education were shown, after which the director of the school, Mahmud Vural, delivered an introductory speech.

In turn, the president of our university Prof., Dr. Sebahattin Balcı gave general information about vocational school. “In developed countries, the number of professional higher schools is very large, in which they bring up specialists in demand. I believe that both our graduates and future graduates will find the place that they deserve and become the best in their work, serving the community,” - he added.

A graduate of our university at Schooll of Vocational Education in the 2017-2018 education year, Burul Bektur Kyzy said: “I am proud that I am a graduate of Manas, because at the moment I work in a good place and do what I like. A coffee break was also organized for guests, after which the organizations told about their activities and works.

Recall that career days are organized with the aim to familiarize graduates with the different companies and enterprises and to find them jobs.

Prepared by Aksaamay Nazarbay Kyzy

Translated by Timur Bapiev