Students of “Bilimkana” Choose Manas University

On June 6, 2019 9-11th grades students of the education center “Bilimkana” visited our university. Among the guests were 79 students, who “got acquainted” with the university.

In the beginning of the event in K. Tynystanov Gathering Hall the students were shown an introductory video to the university. The Head of the Students Affairs Office and the Branch of Students and Graduates Affairs, Kyial Turdakunova, in turn, shared information on the educational institution, as well as the rules and changes regarding entrance exams.

At the end of the event the students shared their views on the university and received answers to their questions. The majority were interested in terms related to getting a place in the dormitory and rules concerning entrance examinations. Moreover, a campus tour was organized.

The guests visited the Faculties of Communication, Economics and Administration, the Higher School of Sports, as well as the dormitory. Such events are held with the view to help students choose their future careers.

We note that the event was conducted by a team of our students under the supervision of the Students Affairs Office and the Branch of Students and Graduates Affairs.

Prepared by Adinai Kurmanova

Translated by Bermet Kozhoshova